Results for «Manuel Cortés»

30 Years of Darkness

55m 07s

Nominated for the Best Documentary Award at the 2012 Goyas, this is the unbelievable story of Manuel Cortés, the ‘mole of Mijas’. When the Spanish civil war ended and the borders closed, hundreds of people were forced to go into hiding to escape Franco’s repression. They lived for decades, hidden under floorboards or in holes behind walls in their own home, knowing they could be discovered at any time.

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Inside the Russian Info War Machine

59m 02s

Acclaimed journalist Paul Moreira investigates how Russia manipulates public opinion, undermines democratic governments and attempts to alter world events. The public face of foreign policy: the state news channels, Sputnik and Russia Today. But working in the shadows is the hidden part: the hackers and trolls pushing the Russian agenda... The Russians know that public perception of their country has reached a new low. Russophobia is massive. Their message is tainted with illegitimacy.

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Inside the Russian Info War Machine

59m 02s

Acclaimed journalist Paul Moreira investigates how Russia manipulates public opinion, undermines democratic governments and attempts to alter world events. The public face of foreign policy: the state news channels, Sputnik and Russia Today. But working in the shadows is the hidden part: the hackers and trolls pushing the Russian agenda... The Russians know that public perception of their country has reached a new low. Russophobia is massive. Their message is tainted with illegitimacy.

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